STEM Education

Why: Preparing students for their future with meaningful skills and ways of thinking

How: STEM education involves hands-on, real-world, problem-based learning challenges that encourage students to think of various ideas and create the best solution while applying their knowledge and skills in contexts.

Hands-On Teaching

Learning how to incorporate STEM through a PLC has hundreds of benefit's, but being Hands-On is one of the best. With every group session, Educators will be tasked

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Group Sessions

Indulge in the Whymaker experience and the P.D. Offering you chose by yourself or with a group of up to 20 Educators. Whymaker will have Group sessions with you and your colleagues to professionally develop your skills with STEM teaching.

Not only that, you'll be able to chat and brainstorm amongst each other to formulate new ideas and projects within your school. Each PLC includes Sessions of up to 1 hour each, Including 20 educators maximum, in a virtual or in person enviroment

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  • Collaboration
  • Communication
  • Critical thinking
  • Creativity
  • Empathy
  • Planning
  • Risk taking
  • Perseverance
  • Problem finding and problem solving
  • Use of technology and other resources


There are many ways to incorporate STEM and STEAM into the classroom, from low-tech tools like paper and cardboard, to high-tech tools like 3D printers and robots.

Check out our blog on the 50 Best Kept Secrets of Teaching STEM.


Professional Development for STEM

WhyMaker can help support educators in developing meaningful projects that connect to content and have students running to your classroom with their faces lit up, ready to learn.

During STEM professional learning, participants will think about the opportunities to connect their content to design challenges where students use tools and materials to solve problems.

Educators who engage in STEM professional development will:

  • Experience hands-on projects that use their creativity and personality to build success
  • Discuss procedures and methods of implementation to develop a culture of STEM in their classroom
  • Identify the connections between core content and STEM projects 
  • Build a library of projects and activities for specific students needs

Check Out Our Case Studies

We’ve collaborated with a variety of schools and libraries throughout the world to improve the way STEM is taught in classrooms and maker spaces.


Why Choose WhyMaker?

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World-Class Professional Development

Teacher training with personalized and customized attention your educators deserve.

Top Notch Course For Teachers

Our hands-on course, is hands-down the best for practicing how to plan Makers projects Here!

Outstanding Curriculum Writing

Spreading our love of STEM through lessons that are practical, meaningful and thoughtful.

High-Quality Stem Products

Robots, Coding, Electronics, Makerspace, Construction, Architecture are more! All vetted by STEM teachers themselves.