Project Based Learning

Project Based Learning (PBL) is the educational
pedagogy that your students are craving! 

Teaching with project-based learning engages
students in their learning, cements knowledge
inside of experiences, and builds social-emotional
relationships within your community. 

Hands-On Teaching

Learning how to incorporate STEM through a PLC has hundreds of benefit's, but being Hands-On is one of the best. With every group session, Educators will be tasked

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Group Sessions

Indulge in the Whymaker experience and the P.D. Offering you chose by yourself or with a group of up to 20 Educators. Whymaker will have Group sessions with you and your colleagues to professionally develop your skills with STEM teaching.

Not only that, you'll be able to chat and brainstorm amongst each other to formulate new ideas and projects within your school. Each PLC includes Sessions of up to 1 hour each, Including 20 educators maximum, in a virtual or in person enviroment

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Teaching with project-based learning engages students in their learning, cements knowledge inside of experiences, and builds social-emotional relationships within your community.

Teaching project-based learning does not have to be complicated and does not have to be exhaustive, it just has to be thoughtful and logical.

WhyMaker believes there are 6 features that make a great project-based learning experience for students. We work with teachers to design and plan each of these 6 features for an actionable project with their students. 

It is within the realm of possibility to create a culture change through embed project-based learning in your school, and WhyMaker can help make you lead the shift.

We help educators find success with PBL by shifting their mindsets from teacher to learning engineer.

Designing a PBL Snapshot.

Snapshot to Design PBL Experiences Freebie

Our unique Snapshot to Design PBL Experiences guide allows you to plan a project-based learning project for your class that is thoughtful and practical.

The guide walks you through 6 major features of a project-based learning project.


Professional Development for PBL

Educators will benefit immensely from PBL professional learning experiences with WhyMaker.

Through meaningful conversation, actionable steps, project templates, example shares and more, educators will leave the professional development experience feeling prepared and confident to tackle project-based learning projects with their students.

Start learning with WhyMaker

Creating a project-based learning culture starts with small steps and endures with continual refinement and encouragement.


Contact us to get starting building a
culture of PBL at your school

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World-Class Professional Development

Teacher training with personalized and customized attention your educators deserve.

Top Notch Course For Teachers

Our hands-on course, is hands-down the best for practicing how to plan Makers projects Here!

Outstanding Curriculum Writing

Spreading our love of STEM through lessons that are practical, meaningful and thoughtful.

High-Quality Stem Products

Robots, Coding, Electronics, Makerspace, Construction, Architecture are more! All vetted by STEM teachers themselves.