Learning Communities (PLCs)

Educators learn best from other practicing educations that they feel connected to and have similarities with.

WhyMaker can help foster these connections through professional learning communities, accountability groups, and book studies.

Peson Name

"Absolutely phenomenal. Funny, engaging, entertaining, and knowledgeable."

-Dillon J.

Hands-On Teaching

Learning how to incorporate STEM through a PLC has hundreds of benefit's, but being Hands-On is one of the best. With every group session, Educators will be tasked

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Group Sessions

Indulge in the Whymaker experience and the P.D. Offering you chose by yourself or with a group of up to 20 Educators. Whymaker will have Group sessions with you and your colleagues to professionally develop your skills with STEM teaching.

Not only that, you'll be able to chat and brainstorm amongst each other to formulate new ideas and projects within your school. Each PLC includes Sessions of up to 1 hour each, Including 20 educators maximum, in a virtual or in person enviroment

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What to Expect from Professional Learning Communities:

  • Educators will be tasked to try a best practice in their class and report back
  • Educators will be held accountable for completing modifications to their instructional practices 
  • Educators will be encouraged to bring questions and concerns to the group for discussion
  • Educators will be encouraged to collaborate with peers in their PLC to build integrated learning experiences for their students
  • They will share their thoughts and ideas in a safe environment with their peers

What to Expect from Book Studies:

WhyMaker can implement a book study of any great STEM books including Daily STEM by Chris Woods, Invent to Learn by Sylvia Libow Martinez, STEM-Rich Maker Learning: Designing for Equity with Youth of Color by Angela Calabrese Barton and Edna Tan, and many others. 

  • The focus of conversations and the book will be around a pre-chosen theme
  • Educators will meet for a pre-reading and discuss their hopes for learning from the book
  • Educators will be tasked to think about the theme selected and overarching big ideas about STEM education
  • Educators will read portions of the book while picking out interesting learnings, things that resonated and questions they have
  • Educators will meet for two more sessions to discuss takeaways and questions they have
  • They will be given ample amounts of time to listen and share ideas with their peers, and think about ways to implement practices and learnings with their class

Start learning with WhyMaker

Ready to let us help you implement a professional learning community or book study?


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World-Class Professional Development

Teacher training with personalized and customized attention your educators deserve.

Top Notch Course For Teachers

Our hands-on course, is hands-down the best for practicing how to plan Makers projects Here!

Outstanding Curriculum Writing

Spreading our love of STEM through lessons that are practical, meaningful and thoughtful.

High-Quality Stem Products

Robots, Coding, Electronics, Makerspace, Construction, Architecture are more! All vetted by STEM teachers themselves.