Why Block Coding Makes Sense When Teaching Computer Science

Why Block Coding Makes Sense When Teaching Computer Science

How students can benefit from block coding.

Over the last few years, there has been a major push to teach computer science in schools – why is that? Do we want every student to be a computer scientist, working long hours late at night in a dark basement while hunched over a computer? Of course not! Computer Science is a fantastic subject where people combine creativity and skill can to produce masterpieces. Teaching computer science to our students gives them many benefits including:

  • COMPUTATIONAL THINKING: Coding is so much more than just typing letters and numbers into a computer. Instead, it involves a thoughtful system of problem solving and decision making, called computational thinking, that we can teach our students at any age. Check out our friends at Barefoot Computing to learn more.

  • CREATIVE THINKING: When presented with a coding project, students are encouraged to look for ways to complete it efficiently and effectively. This makes them think creatively and develop innovative ideas to successfully achieve their end goals.

  • HUMAN UNDERSTANDING: Everything built with code is built with human relativity in mind. Before coding a project, one thinks about how others would relate to it and how they would feel about it. This will teach the child consideration and empathy for people as well as the ability to recognize problems and offer valid solutions.

  • PERSEVERANCE: Coding is not something that happens in a few clicks; it requires some trial and error. But, keeping at it until it works is both the most difficult and most fun part of programming. This persistence in trying until one gets it right will help the student develop discipline, tenacity, and perserverance.

  • ACADEMIC PROWESS: Coding helps the student improve in their academics. In addition to teaching them how to find solutions, coding also flows into every other aspect of their lives, making them better learners and problem solvers.

  • TECHNOLOGY SAVVINESS: Coding exposes the student to more knowledge in the technology sector; it expands the mind and teaches new thought processes. Practicing computer science will make them more inclined to discover, create, and use new innovations in the future.

  • PEER COMMUNICATION / INTERACTION: Coding is not something that should be done alone; it should be collaborative work. Coding with other programmers opens one up to new ideas because one project can be done in several different ways to achieve the same outcome. Therefore, this activity encourages students to interact with their peers and instructors, improving social skills, communication skills, and confidence.

Teaching Students to Code: Building Blocks vs Syntax

Like writing, coding requires bringing characters together that seem unrelated, in order to create something unique and usable. Syntax based languages have a lot of unrelated characters, structures and formats that need to be brought together in a very specific way, which can be complex for students (and teachers) to master. So, what is the best way to introduce a child to coding? Building blocks.

Building blocks, or block coding, provide programming students a foundation for learning to code. This method can alleviate some of the challenges associated with memorization and syntax error. It allows students to focus on more high-level aspects of coding, making the process quicker and easier. There are many great programs that use block coding, including Scratch.

Scratch is a fundamental coding program, specially designed for kids ages 8-16. Think of it as the digital equivalent to physical, practical building blocks. Pieces that can be stacked together in special orientation in order to create a masterpiece. Students can be taught how to stack together the digital blocks for coding in order to create a masterpiece.

One of the primary benefits of using Scratch is creativity. In Scratch, students must think outside the box, formulate a solution, test run their idea, and present it. Every part of their mind is being put to the test. Their intelligence, artistic abilities, creative thinking, and ability to be persistent and focused.

Combing Scratch and Design Thinking from WhyMakers opens up even more opportunities for creative thinking and empathy. Check out all of the resources on Design Thinking.

The Benefits of Kids Who Code

As easy as it may sound, a lot of discipline is involved in block-based programming. It helps build students who think on their feet and provide logical and wise solutions for themselves and others.

As a 5th grade teacher, I can personally attest to the benefits of teaching children how to code with building blocks. I honestly love teaching, but sometimes, it feels like I'm not doing enough, like I'm talking to myself. Maybe you've been there, maybe not, but I figured something had to change.

When STEM education, and specifically coding, was introduced to our learning curriculum, I observed positive, drastic changes in the way my students learn. I saw the enthusiasm my kids had for learning this new and challenging subject through Scratch. I dove right in with them into the world of technology and paired them up with peer partners. We learned together — they did projects in pairs, and I supervised. It was as much of a fun-filled learning phase for me as it was for them.

Now, I feel they can hear me. They always listen whenever I teach and are super excited when I introduce a new project, even if the project seems difficult. We work as a team now — researching, seeking answers, finding them, and implementing them. So far, this has been the best experience of my teaching journey; it’s helped me establish a relationship with my students.

Learning together and helping your students overcome roadblocks increases the level of trust and closeness between the teacher and the student, and what better way to start than from Scratch? Visit the Scratch today to sign up for your ward or yourself.    

For other ways to provide an enjoyable, hands-on STEM education for your students, join Liz Gallo’s online course: The Ultimate Guide to Teaching Maker Ed. Ms. Gallo will speak extensively about the WhyMaker Way, which provides teaching professionals with a roadmap of how to teach STEM in a memorable and engaging way.

Written By: Martins Obiefule

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