4 Reasons Maker Education is THE Education Revolution

4 Reasons Maker Education is THE Education Revolution

This course teaches you everything you need to know to plan hands-on and engaging projects, using the WhyMaker Way. Registration is openly open for a few weeks at a time! Make sure you sign up because you do not want to miss it!

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If we aren’t teaching students hardcore facts and we aren’t teaching them to memorize and regurgitate information then what are we teaching them? How can we justify Maker Education and Maker Education projects in our classrooms, our schools and for our students?

Here at WhyMaker we believe that Maker Education teaches students something more than content knowledge. We believe that Maker Education teaches these important 4 life skills.

1. Engages Students with Higher Order Thinking

In Maker Education students are engaging with Higher Levels of Blooms Taxonomy. Students are creating, modeling, evaluating, analyzing, designing, deciding, processing, reasoning, synthesizing, assembling, modifying and redesigning.


2. Supports Students’ Character Strengths Development

Maker Education highlights and builds on students intrinsic character strengths. It allows students to be their best. They get to use whatever character strength they are good at creativity, critical thinking, problem solving, inquiry, determination, zest, resourcefulness, collaboration, divergent thinking and creativity.


3. Equitable and Accessible for Every Student

Maker Education is accessible for every student at every level and every age, background skills, level, gender and ability. The more diverse and unique the population of students they better ideas and ways of doing they will bring to the work. This is equity in education, when everyone is encouraged to bring themselves to the project.


4. Creating Lifelong Learning

Maker education takes abstract concepts from textbooks and allow students to work with them in the physical world. When students create a model it helps them dive deeply in showing what they know and develop concrete knowledge of the topic. Maker Ed projects help students remember concepts longer into the future than traditional instructional models.

“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn” ancient Chinese proverb.

Even if students do not remember the concepts and details of the topic, they will learn something from the process. Life long skills of constructing knowledge by experiencing context through creating and building solutions to problems. They will build resilience and resourcefulness in creating their model. Most of all students will practice and develop abilities to work with others.

These 4 life skills are what students gain through Maker Education. These 4 essential skills are how we justify restructuring education as we know. Putting children in the position to Make their own meaningful knowledge of the world is how we revolutionize education.

Maker Ed is the Best! Learn all the details about being a Maker Educator in our hands-on online course The Ultimate Guide to Teaching Maker Ed. This course teaches you everything you need to know to plan hands-on and engaging projects, using the WhyMaker Way. Registration is openly open for a few weeks at a time! Make sure you sign up because you do not want to miss it!

Sign up here!

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