Strategies for Teaching Computer Science for ALL. Tips for Overcoming Challenges Teaching Students with Disabilities and English Language Learners.

Strategies for Teaching Computer Science for ALL. Tips for Overcoming Challenges Teaching Students with Disabilities and English Language Learners.

You took professional development, you order supplies, you practiced the program, you read through the curriculum YOU are ready to teach Computer Science for ALL of your students!! But wait! 30% of my students have IEPs and 55% are English Language Learners. How do I reach them and provide them with quality Computer Science learning they deserve? (which they probably will love)


Tips & Tricks for teaching computer science to students with Special Needs and English Language Learners.


Student Grouping  Flexible Seating will be an important tool for planning a successful computer science lesson. Very few lessons will involve the teacher at the front of the classroom demonstrating or lecturing. Setting up stations throughout the classroom will allow students to better understand a concept through exploring, experimenting and examination of applications and devices.  Teachers will need to have grouping, teams and pairs planned out ahead of time and integrate the procedures from the start.

Recommendations for Special Education Integration

  1. Heterogenous grouping
  2. If space allows, groups should be along perimeter of the room so that teacher and students can easily move from group to group.
  3. At the beginning of the lesson, students to meet at the “student meeting area” (i.e. rug).
  4. Ask students to repeat back the instructions for the day or what they are going to do when they get to their station or computer.
  5. Make students are aware beforehand of time allowed at each center and give periodic time checks.
  6. Make sure students know who and how to ask for help. Peer coding is helpful.
  7. If this is the first time working with centers, teach/model how to do this.
  8. Label the centers so students can “double check” they are at the correct center.
  9. Written checklist/flow to help guide student on where/what to do next.
  10. When students are at centers, allow for different types of seats (bouncy ball, regular chairs, or floor seats)

Recommendation for English Language Learner Integration

  1. Homogenous grouping - allowing them to speak in native language
  2. At the beginning of the lesson, students to meet at the “student meeting area” (i.e. rug).
  3. Allow students to work a translation device.
  4. Label the centers so students can “double check” they are at the correct center.

Frequent Breaks – Time off screen can be just as valuable as time on screen.  Frequent breaks allow time for students to reflect on what they are working on, fight screen fatigue and revisit a challenge.  It is important to note that just because it is a break does not mean it cannot be productive. Students can take the opportunity for journal writing, storyboarding, drawing or providing feedback. It is also an opportunity for students to get up and move around.  Standing desks are also helpful.

Recommendations for Special Education Integration

  1. Physically allow students to model what the character on the screen is going to do (i.e. move in a circle, move left, move right, etc.)
  2. Have students switch between driver and navigator mode in paired programming.
  3. Materials like Hands-On Coding Blocks are helpful for planning out computer science projects.
  4. Allow students to stand while working or sit on flexible furniture.

Recommendation for English Language Learner Integration

  1. Allow students to draw or physically model what the character on the screen is going to do (i.e. move in a circle, move left, move right, etc.)
  2. Have students switch between driver and navigator mode in paired programming.
  3. Allow students to hand write instructions or information as needed.

Materials – With computer science comes new materials to consider for each lesson.  Different types of devices require different procedures. Teachers need to make sure the appropriate applications and software have been installed and updated.  Student usernames and passwords should be readily available for teachers to access in a central location.  Unplugged activities often use common classroom materials that should be organized and mobile.  Finally, new projects such as physical computing and robotics often have small intricate pieces.  Teachers will need to teach students a procedure for keeping track of inventory.

Recommendations for Special Education Integration

  1. Give students fill in the blank templates as needed
  2. Put all materials back in the same place everyday
  3. Use child tweezers for little parts in physical computing
  4. Track students usernames and passwords
  5. Use appropriate headphones for children with different hearing impairments
  6. Provide glossary of terms
  7. Share openly cheat sheets for syntax and spelling
  8. Allow students to model or draw or write project before beginning
  9. Have students record what they are going to do verbally then listen to it while programming

Recommendation for English Language Learner Integration

  1. Label all materials
  2. Label storage centers for materials
  3. Provide glossary of terms
  4. Share openly cheat sheets for syntax and spelling
  5. Flash cards for key terms or materials

Assessment – Computer science lessons offer multiple opportunities for informal and formal assessments.  Teachers also have a great deal of freedom in designing their own assessments as they pertain to the activities and projects.  It is important to create consistent and valuable assessments that help not only the teacher but also help the student evaluate his/her work. Project Based Learning should include a rubric that is designed specifically to the class objectives.  More informal assessments such as an online survey or journal entry related to enduring questions can be just as informative.

Recommendations for Special Education Integration

  1. Assess the character strength development
  2. Do not assess small syntax errors
  3. Highlight growth, grit, accomplishment, teamwork
  4. Reflect on personal development and successes
  5. Peer evaluate projects
  6. Have students record learning with videos or pictures
  7. Share with internet world and look for feedback

Recommendation for English Language Learner Integration

  1. Do not assess small syntax errors or language errors
  2. Assess new vocabulary acquired
  3. Assess growth, grit, accomplishments, teamwork
  4. Have students record learning with videos or pictures
  5. Reflect on personal development and successes
  6. Peer evaluate projects
  7. Present work verbally

Making Connections – Computer science is not meant to be taught as a stand-alone content area.  Using practices like problem based learning and project based learning, teachers can plan lessons that integrate language arts, mathematics, social studies and science.  Students can create projects such as digital stories, games, animations and simulations that not only demonstrate a proficiency in computer science but also reflect a deeper understanding in other content areas.  Computer science also allows teachers to integrate elements of the arts through the design process and even physical education through unplugged activities.  Also, we teach computer science in order to help students get jobs working with computers. Make sure to give students real experiences to real people who have STEM and computer science jobs.

Recommendations for Special Education Integration

  1. Find things students are passionate about and incorporate them into projects
  2. Do not confine students to specific outcomes or results allow freedom of project
  3. Work with other teachers to connect CS projects to content and allow CS projects to count towards assignments
  4. Find people in the real world who have jobs with computers, manufacturing, STEM. Ask them to come in and mentor or speak to students.

Recommendation for English Language Learner Integration

  1. Allow projects to be in native language
  2. Create relevant projects
  3. Allow students culture to shine through their work
  4. Ask students to interview family members about computers
  5. Find people in the real world who have jobs with computers, manufacturing, STEM. Ask them to come in and mentor or speak to students.


Need help planning the best Computer Science Project? Personal coaching will help you be so much more successful then you could have ever imagined. Having a coach will make you feel comfortable and confident teaching computer science. Having a coach will help you see all of the little details that will make Computer Science accessible and equitable for ALL your students. Contact WhyMaker now for assistance.

*Article adopted from Software Engineering Program Jr. (SEP Jr.)

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